Vaccine Transport
Coolers Perfect for Fall Flu Clinics
Can’t find your cooler? Don’t want to mess with ice? Want something lighter? Need something better? The VeriCor Cool Cube™ is growing in popularity for a number of reasons. But the main thing is…it works. Three super-cool features (the user-friendly case, the high-performance insulation, and the slick-removable panels) are only found in a Cool Cube™. These “super coolers” (as our customers call them) are available right now on Amazon, direct, or thru a few of our valued distributors. Need it quick? Don’t worry; we generally will ship your order out the next day!Learn More
Make Vaccinations Easier
Off-Site Ready Systems
Attention Vaccination Providers!If you are a last minute planner, these systems are definitely for you. If you are all geared up and ready for this year’s immunization season, maybe you want to remember these for next year. VeriCor Mobile Vaccination Systems are pre-packaged kits that all you need to add is staff and vaccine. These easy-to-store, simple-to-move kits can be used for seasonal off-site clinics or stored for large-scale pandemics. Already have the supplies but like the setup? Buy a workstation to fit your needs (various sizes and configurations available).
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Pan-Flu Medical Cache 
Mitigate the Risk
It is difficult to predict when the next influenza pandemic will occur or how severe it will be. Wherever and whenever the pandemic starts, everyone around the world is at risk. In order to mitigate the effects of the influenza pandemic, the healthcare community must be ready for an increased demand on their facilities and the possibility of surge capacity at non-traditional sites. The goal of VeriCor’s Pan-Flu Cache System is to help healthcare workers and employers prepare for (with compact storage & easy management) and respond to (with high organization & quick setup) an influenza pandemic.Learn More
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