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Can the Cool Cube™ be locked? | Staff PPE for Infectious Disease | A Kit Specific for Burn Care

Can the Cool Cube be locked

Cool Cube™ FAQCan the Cool Cube™ be locked?

A Question from Your Colleagues

Question: Can the Cool Cube™ be locked?

Answer: Yes. Locks are not provided with Cool Cube™ PCM coolers due to the differing regulations of various entities. However, quite a few styles and sizes of locks are compatible with the coolers to ensure that valuable product not only stays at the correct temperature, but stays in the cooler as well.

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Staff PPE for Infectious DiseaseInfectious Disease Prep Ready to use EVD PPE Kits

Kits Ready to Respond

Infectious disease incidents pose unique challenges that diminish a healthcare community’s response to an emergency. Having prepositioned PPE kits ready to control the spread of disease and enable the continuity of health care services will save lives. VeriCor’s smaller, prepackaged modules (12 and 25 single-use kits) are organized within a mobile storage case for quick deployment. The 100-patient contact module integrates all PPE into four mobile cases, and includes an inventory management SmartBook™ for easy rotation and handling. Customization options are available.

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A Kit Specific for Burn CareA MedKit for Burn Care

Purpose: Mass Casualty Incident

The Response-Friendly® Burn Care MedKit is a simple, comprehensive medical kit with a small storage footprint. It includes the essential supplies needed for debridement and dressing of minor and major burns. Supplies are intuitively organized into clear, zippered pockets within an exclusive roll pack (Upright Medical Organizer) for compact storage, quick deployment and easy access. Easy-to-assemble stand and SmartBook™ included.

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