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VIPs and PCMs – Acronyms Explained | A Mess of Supplies Made Pretty | Beds to Stow-and-Go


Hello, medical professionals!

The acronyms VIP and PCM are relatively old terms getting new attention in the cold chain management world…go to Section “A” if they relate to your line of work. Section “B” is for those that have a mess of preparedness supplies that need some attention. The last section showcases beds that are easy to stow-and-go (for emergency preparedness). As always, have a productive week!

To help you scan topics faster, here are the sections that may interest you…

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A, B & C

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A, B & C

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B & C

VIPs & PCMs - Acronyms Explained

A) VIPs and PCMs – Acronyms Explained

Why are they important to cold chain management?

The recent blog post “VIPs and PCMs – An Ideal Combo for Cold Chain Management” explains the kinds of insulation (polystyrene, polyurethane, aerogel, vacuum insulated, etc.) and the two types of cooling systems (active & passive) used for cold chain transport and backup. This is a must read for anyone working with coolers!

B) A Mess of Supplies Made Pretty

…and more importantly READY!

Sometimes emergency preparedness supplies don’t get the attention they need in order to be ready for use. Expired, unorganized, damaged, recalled…any number of things can hinder a response for when it is needed most. VeriCor’s Medical Cache Conversion process converts a mess of supplies into a ready-to-respond system that is organized and manageable, so that when an MCI happens your facility will be ready.

A Mess of Supplies Made Ready
Just in Case-Portable Beds

C) Beds to Stow-and-Go

Light yet sturdy and quick to deploy!

When a disaster hits, one of the first things needed are beds. It’s what people will turn to for comfort, rest and treatment. The line of beds VeriCor carries meet FEMA guidelines (and ADA compliance standards) while having a folding design for easy and compact storage. But more importantly they are dependable and comfortable for when they will be needed most. All beds (and racks) are made in the USA.

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