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The Cool Cube™ and Flu Clinics | Intuitive, Sustainable and Trainable | Have a Mess of Supplies

The Cool Cube and Flu Clinics

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The Cool Cube and Flu Clinics

A) The Cool Cube™ and Flu Clinics = A Perfect Match

Easy and quick!

During a flu clinic, nurses access the supply of vaccine frequently. This means a cooler being used during off-site clinics gets opened and closed a lot. The great thing about a Cool Cube™ is that it’s so easy and quick (there are no layers-upon-layers of ice bottles and bubble wrap). And since it’s qualified to hold temperatures for 3+ days (ideal for power outages), an 8-hour flu clinic is no big deal…even with constant opening and closing. Watch this 113-second explainer video to see the simplicity and effectiveness of Cool Cube™ PCM Coolers.

Intuitive, Sustainable and Trainable

B) Intuitive, Sustainable & Trainable

Let us train your staff.

By nature, Response-Friendly® Systems (found in all by two states) are intuitive and sustainable. However, if time and resources are scare and a run through is needed on how to deploy or maintain the system, give us a call. Our staff can give your team a thorough training on how to maximize the system while minimizing your stress and time involved with such exercises. From basic how-to management to full-out MCI scenarios, pick a package that ensures you and your staff are ready to respond.

Have a Mess of Supplies

C) Have a Mess of Supplies? No Problem!

We take the mess and form a usable SYSTEM.

Sometimes emergency preparedness supplies are forgotten. Expired, unorganized, damaged, recalled…any number of things can hinder a response. The Medical Cache Conversion process converts a mess of supplies into a ready-to-respond system that is organized & manageable. Make sure that when an MCI happens, your supplies are ready.

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