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How to Tell Effectiveness of Vacuum Insulated Panels | Beds for a Medical Surge | Convert the “Cache”

How to Tell Effectiveness of Vacuum Insulated Panels

Vacuum Insulated PanelsHow to Tell Effectiveness of Vacuum Insulated Panels

How to Tell Effectiveness

After 5 years, Cool Cube™ vacuum insulated panels lose approximately 5% effectiveness (i.e. a Cool Cube™ 420 protects refrigerator temp vaccine for 103+ hours; in 2023 it will only protect 97+ hours). But just in case you are wondering if the insulation in your Cool Cube™ is still good (we have been selling Cool Cubes™ for 9 years), inspect each panel for a loss of rigidity. A loose skin indicates vacuum loss (puncture/leak), which will affect performance. Click the image for a close up view…can you see the difference? They are durable, but not indestructible, so replacement panels are available.

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Beds for a Medical SurgeMedical Surge Beds & Racks

When Patients are in Need

VeriCor Response Beds support a wide variety of emergency preparation and mitigation plans. Meeting the FEMA guidelines (and ADA compliance standards), our line of beds offer EP planners the versatility to choose exactly what they need, matched with quality they (and patients) will depend on during a crisis. All beds and racks are made in the USA.

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Convert the “Cache”Convert a Cache into a System

A Mess of Supplies Will Do Nothing

Expired? Organized? Recalled? If something happened today, is a warehoused cache of equipment and supplies ready to deliver medical care? VeriCor’s Medical Cache Conversion process converts a mess of supplies into a ready-to-respond system that is organized and manageable. That mess of supplies can be turned into a Response-Friendly® System!

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