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Easy Replenishment | MCI Scenario Training | Validated Container & Pack-Out

A Requirement of Preparedness

Easy ReplenishmentA Requirement of Preparedness

What to Do When Supplies Expire

Supply management (inventory control) of earmarked preparedness product can be daunting. Is equipment recalled? Are supplies expired? If you have a Response-Friendly® System, use the SmartBook™ inventory file and sort by “Expiration Date” to make sure that your product is up-to-date. Don’t have time? We understand. That’s why we have replenishment packages that range from label-and-ship to on-site service!

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MCI Scenario TrainingTrain and Exercise MCI Scenerios

Train & Exercise a R-F® System

Response-Friendly® Systems are intuitive. However, when time and resources are scarce, let professionals help out with what they know best. VeriCor training packages alleviate the stress and time involved with leading an exercise. From basic how-to management, to full-out MCI scenarios, VeriCor’s team will ensure that you and your staff are trained properly.

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Quick-Simple-EffectiveThe Impact of Data Loggers

Validated Container & Pack-Out

Quick: Cooling panels condition quickly…to a safe temperature for product (4°C, -21°C, or 22°C).
Simple: Pack-out is easy with minimal effort…for all seasons.
Effective: A unique and patented PCM (phase change material) passive cooling system is removable for easy storage/conditioning. Then simply slide the panels back into the Cool Cube™ to surround that valuable, temperature sensitive payload with walls that are 4°C, -21°C, or 22°C. What’s even better? They stay that temperature for days!!!

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