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Seasonal Influenza Vaccination Resources | From transport to backup to off-site initiatives

Seasonal Influenza Vaccination Resources

In this Bi-Weekly Issue

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In this biweekly issue:

📃 Seasonal Vaccination Resources
🆒 Four Sizes for Various Needs
🛌 Off-Site Patient Care
🦺 Staff Development Training

As always, lots of information can be found on our website. Have a productive week!

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Seasonal Influenza Vaccination Resources

A) Seasonal Influenza Vaccination Resources

For Health Professionals

Did you know the CDC has a wealth of information regarding seasonal flu vaccination? Click here to learn more about any of these topics:

  • Summaries for Health Care Professionals
  • Coadministration of Influenza and COVID-19 Vaccines
  • Patient Education
  • Vaccine Composition
  • Target Groups for Vaccination and Timing
  • Supply and Distribution
  • Effectiveness & Safety
  • Dosage, Administration, Storage & Handling

News & Promotions

4 Sizes of Coolers

A) Four Sizes for Various Needs

From transport to backup to off-site initiatives.

Cool Cube™ PCM coolers come in four sizes:

  • The “03” is ideal for small payloads going off-site.
  • The “08” holds plenty and still be over-the-shoulder.
  • The “28” wheels around for more significant initiatives.
  • The “96” fits a whole freezer/fridge worth of vaccine (literally).

All have the same PCM technology (for safe temperatures) and premium insulation system (for 3+ days of temperature holding).

If you haven’t already, watch this 113-second explainer video to see the simplicity and effectiveness of Cool Cube™ PCM Coolers.

ACS Preparedness

B) Alternate Care Site System

For Off-Site Patient Care

Health care organizations—including hospitals, EMS, and out-of-hospital providers—are charged with delivering timely and efficient care to existing and new patients even when the demand for health care services exceeds the available space. That is when a VeriCor Alternate Care Site System will help. Learn more by either clicking the picture (or button) or calling 608-526-6901 to talk to experienced VeriCor staff today.

Intuitive, Sustainable and Trainable

C) Training Packages

Staff Development for a Response-Friendly® System.

By design, Response-Friendly® Systems (found in 48 states) are intuitive and sustainable. However, give us a call if time and resources are scarce, and an exercise is needed to deploy or maintain the system. Our staff can provide your team quality training on maximizing the system while minimizing your stress and time involved. You choose a package that fills your need, from essential how-to management to full-out disaster scenarios. Call 608-526-6901 today to speak with a training specialist.

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