Following a peak in July, Australia is on the back-end of one of its worst flu seasons in recent years. What does that mean for the United States? Time will tell, but this article found on Healthline.com talks with some of the experts in the field.
And as always, lots of information can be found on our website.

A) Replace that old vaccine cooler…
with the latest in cold chain management!
If an Igloo cooler with ice (or some other poor system) is being used this flu season–REPLACE IT! There is no excuse for vaccine to encounter a freezing temperature or get too warm. Cool Cube™ PCM coolers keep vaccine (or other temperature sensitive product) around 5°C for the entirety of the clinic with ease. Open & closing…fine. Hot conditions…no problem. Prevent future excursions by getting a Cool Cube™.
New to this email? Watch this 113-second video explaining the simplicity and effectiveness of Cool Cube™ PCM Coolers.

B) Medical Kits for Emergency Preparedness
Advanced kits for care-specific treatment.
VeriCor MedKits come to you organized and ready for field operations. The right supplies are organized within a portable, rolled-up, quick-to-deploy UMO. In the field, responders see contents within the pockets to facilitate faster treatment. Back at home, personnel easy manage inventory with the included SmartBook™. Choose from a wide range of pre-built MedKits (Airway, Burn Care, Examination, IV Therapy, Med Admin, PPE, Surgical, Wound Care, and more), or have one customized for your needs.

C) In-the-Field ER for Hospital Coalitions
The ultimate in emergency preparedness.
FSTs (Forward Surgical Teams) are small, mobile surgical units in the United States Army. VeriCor revamped the concept into a mobile emergency room system specifically for health care coalitions. It supports advanced levels of care typically needed within the “golden hour” of injury during mass causality incidents. Learn more by clicking the picture or button, or call 866-469-6019 and talk to an experienced staff member today.