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LHD Scholarship | Protecting the Cold Chain | Ensure Vaccination Efficiency

LHD Scholarship Opportunity

In this Bi-Weekly Issue

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In this biweekly issue:

💲 Scholarship Opportunity
🆒 Protecting the Cold Chain
💉 Ensure Vaccination Efficiency
⏱ Store Smart—Respond Fast

As always, lots of information can be found on our website. Have a productive week!

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LHD Scholarship Opportunity

A) LHD Scholarship 💲💲💲 Opportunity

Certification in Infection Control

Local Health Departments (LHDs) are increasingly crucial in safeguarding public health through effective infection control practices. To bolster LHD capacity in this critical area, NACCHO, in collaboration with the CDC, is pleased to announce its 2024 Scholarship Opportunity. This initiative financially supports current LHD staff in pursuing the prestigious Certification in Infection Control (CIC) or the Associate-Infection Prevention and Control (a-IPC) credential. Selected LHDs will receive up to $5,000 in reimbursements for exam fees and approved study materials. This will empower their staff to enhance their expertise and contribute to more substantial community-level infection prevention efforts. Applications for this valuable scholarship program are open until January 26, 2024. We encourage LHDs to visit THIS LINK to learn more and apply.

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News & Promotions

A CDC Toolkit Qualified Container & Packout

A) Protecting the Cold Chain

No More Temperature Worries

The revolutionary Cool Cube™ technology, highlighted by phase change material and vacuum insulation, maintains consistent temperatures for days, safeguarding vaccines and other critical medical supplies without ice that is too cold or portable fridges/freezers that can break down. Put their efficacy and safety in the hands of a Cool Cube™, even in demanding situations.

If you haven’t already, watch this 113-second explainer video to see the simplicity and effectiveness of Cool Cube™ PCM Coolers.

Vaccination System for Mobile Clinics

B) Ensure Vaccination Efficiency


VeriCor’s pre-packaged Vaccination Kits cater to various clinic scales, from pop-up events to large campaigns. Each kit equips you with everything from syringes and needles to alcohol swabs and bandages, including a SmartBook™ for convenient inventory management.

Casing for Preparedness Supplies

C) Medical Storage Solutions for Emergencies

Store Smart. Respond Fast.

When every moment counts, VeriCor’s extensive selection of durable medical cases ensures your equipment and supplies are instantly accessible. From secure bulk storage containers to mobile jump bags and portable workstations, we offer the perfect fit for your needs, prioritizing organization and protection.

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