Hello, medical professionals!
Fall flu clinics are just around the corner, so check out section “A” for 5 resources that others have found helpful. Section “B” is for EP professionals looking for storable, mobile beds with a minimal footprint. Section “C” is a solution to a common preparedness problem: replenishing old/expired product. As always, have a productive week!
To help you scan topics faster, here are the sections that may interest you…


A, B & C

A, B & C

B & C

A) 5 Resources for Success
Tips for Implementing a Successful Flu Shot Clinic
- Pinwheels – A magical distractor for children receiving their first (or second) poke. Have plenty on hand!
- CDC Print Materials – free downloads of messaging to address flu recommendations.
- CDC Info on Demand – free materials to order. (Select materials are available for order. Under the Programs drop-down box, select Immunization and Vaccines (Influenza/Flu), then press the Go button. Order limits apply. Allow ample time for shipping.)
- Flu Clinic Planning Tips – month-by-month guidance for organizing a successful flu shot clinic.
- Cool Cube™ – the simplified cooler that maintains the vaccine cold chain before, during and after flu shot clinics. (see how in this 113-second video)
B) Beds that are ready to respond.
Minimal storage – maximum flexibility!
When a disaster hits, one of the first things people turn to for comfort, rest and treatment are beds. The line of beds VeriCor carries meet FEMA guidelines (and ADA compliance standards) while having a folding design for easy and compact storage. But more importantly they are dependable and comfortable for when they will be needed most. All beds (and racks) are made in the USA.

C) Replacing Old/Expired Supplies
Supply management for the busy professional.
Keeping track of earmarked preparedness products can be daunting.
- Where are things?
- Is equipment recalled?
- Are products compatible?
- When do supplies expire?
By having a Response-Friendly® System, those first three questions are taken care of. And for the fourth question? …use your SmartBook™ as an easy means to monitor upcoming expiration dates.
If you don’t have the time to watch the dates and order product as needed, we have a service just for you! Our proprietary replenishment system significantly cuts down your labor in keeping supplies up-to-date. Our replenishment packages range from label-and-ship to on-site service. Call (866) 469-6019 today to speak with a replenishment specialist.