Response-Ready PPE Kits
Infectious Disease Prevention
Infectious disease incidents pose unique challenges that diminish a healthcare’s response to an emergency. So having ready prepositioned PPE kits to control the spread of disease and enable the continuity of health care services should save lives. VeriCor’s smaller, prepackaged modules (12 and 25 single-use kits) are organized within a mobile storage case for quick deployment. The 100-patient contact module integrates all PPE into four mobile cases, and includes an inventory management SmartBook™ for easy rotation and handling. Customization options are available.Learn More
Cool Cube™ FAQ
A Question From Colleagues
Question: Can a Cool Cube™ be opened and closed during use?Answer: Yes. Unlike opening a fridge and having cold air escape out the bottom and warm air enter from the top, the Cool Cube™ has a top-open design. When opened, the cool air stays down within the unit while the warm ambient air stays above it. Once closed, the PCM that surrounds the product quickly cools any warm air inside. So opening and closing the cooler every once in a while won’t drastically affect the performance. In fact, the Cool Cube™ 08 @ Refrigerated Temps (VT-08) was logged as being opened 56 times over an 82 hour period in a warm, humid location. Yet it still kept the vaccine between 2 and 8°C for those 3+ days of opening and closing.
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Disaster Planning & Triage
Color-Coding at its Finest ®
Without adequate planning, equipment and supplies, the most basic response to a disaster will be to simply rescue the victims and transfer them to a hospital facility (“scoop and run” emergency medicine). This will result in transferring the problem from the incident site to the hospital, overwhelming and disrupting the care capacity of the health facility. A VeriCor Triage & Treatment System can change that problem. Preventing and mitigating “scoop and run” scenarios is what this system is all about.Learn More
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