In this Bi-Weekly Issue

In this biweekly issue:
☑ Get the Facts
🆒 3 Words
🦺 EP Emergency Room
🛌 EP Alternate Care Site
As always, lots of information can be found on our website. Have a productive week!

Learn | Practice | Improve

A) Get the Facts: COVID-19 Vaccines
18 facts as published by Mayo Clinic.
Looking to get the facts about the new COVID-19 vaccines? Here’s what you need to know about the different vaccines and the benefits of getting vaccinated. Please pass along this up-to-date information!
News & Promotions

A) What 3 words describe the Cool Cube™?
Easy – Fast – Safe.
The Cool Cube™ is the easiest, fastest and safest cooler on the market to prep. Easiest because patented PCM panels simplify pack-out. Fastest because there isn’t any buffering material or layering to mess around with. Safest because there’s not any traditional ice to drop the temperature too low.
If you haven’t already, watch this 113-second explainer video to see the simplicity and effectiveness of Cool Cube™ PCM Coolers.

B) 6-Bed Emergency Room Sets Up Anywhere
A patient surge system for EP Coordinators.
FSTs (Forward Surgical Teams) are small, mobile surgical units in the United States Army. VeriCor revamped the concept into a mobile emergency room system specifically for health care coalition emergency preparedness. It supports advanced levels of care typically needed within the “golden hour” of injury during mass causality incidents. Learn more by either clicking the picture (or button) or calling 608-526-6901 and talking to an experienced staff member today.

C) 25-Bed Alternate Care Site
A patient surge system for EP Coordinators.
To expand treatment outside hospital walls, you will need the right supplies and equipment on hand. VeriCor Alternate Care Site Systems already have that covered. You pick the type of treatment, and a system is built to your specs, ready for deployment. The Response-Friendly® philosophy ensures your patients will get care quickly. Learn more by either clicking the picture (or button) or calling 608-526-6901 and talking to an experienced staff member today.