No More Ruined Product
Consistent Temps w/o Electricity
If refrigerators or freezers loose power, temperatures quickly skyrocket. If a compressor or condenser coils stop working, temperatures quickly skyrocket. If ice is used, temperatures hover around 0°C…good for beverages but not for life-saving frozen or fridge product. That is why we make and sell Cool Cube™ phase change material (PCM) coolers. They are passive (don’t depend on electricity), they are ice-free (the PCM is engineered for an exact temperature range), and they are long-lasting (days of use without any attention). Simply put, our goal is to eliminate product waste due to temperature excursions (after power outages, throughout transport, during off-site initiatives, etc.)!Learn More
Convert the Mess…Easily
Preparedness Supplies Made Ready
Expired? Organized? Recalled? If something happened today, is a warehoused cache of equipment and supplies ready to deliver medical care? VeriCor’s Medical Cache Conversion process converts a mess of supplies into a ready-to-respond system that is organized and manageable. That mess of supplies can be turned into a Response-Friendly® System. So make the easy choice and divert preparedness dollars towards getting your already procured assets ready for a disaster!Learn More
Replace Expired Product
Make Preparedness Supplies Usable
Supply management (inventory control) of earmarked preparedness product can be daunting. Is equipment recalled? Are supplies expired? If you have a Response-Friendly® System, use the SmartBook™ inventory file and sort by “Expiration Date” to make sure that your product is up-to-date. Don’t have time? We understand. That’s why we have replenishment packages that range from label-and-ship to on-site service.Learn More
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