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2022 Preparedness Summit Recap | Cool Cube™ Transport Cart | Triage & Treatment

2022 Preparedness Summit Recap

In this Bi-Weekly Issue

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In this biweekly issue:

🤝 Preparedness Summit Recap
🆒 Cool Cube™ Transport Cart
🦺 Mass Patient Triage & Treatment
🚒 Burn Care Patient Surge

As always, lots of information can be found on our website. Have a productive week!

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2022 Preparedness Summit Recap

A) 2022 Preparedness Summit Recap

It was great to be in person once again!

More than 2,200 attendees gathered in Atlanta (and virtually) for the 2022 Preparedness Summit on April 4-7. This recap by Beth Hess on runs down the list of top speakers/sessions.

Thank you to all that stopped by the VeriCor booth! It was great to re-connect with you once again and hear so many great Cool Cube™ stories.

News & Promotions

Cool Cube™ Transport Cart - shop now

A) Cool Cube™ Transport Cart

The next time pull multiple units around!

Although it is easy enough to sling the Cool Cube™ over the shoulder and go, sometimes wheels would just make things a lot easier. Two years ago, the Transport Cart got added to the Cool Cube™ line of products—and it’s been a hit ever since.

If you haven’t already, watch this 113-second explainer video to see the simplicity and effectiveness of Cool Cube™ PCM Coolers.

MCI Triage & Treatment System

B) Mass Patient Triage & Treatment—Anywhere

Hospital Triage and Treatment System

Mass casualty incidences (MCIs) can overwhelm and disrupt a healthcare network if a system is unavailable to expand patient treatment outside traditional walls. VeriCor’s all-in-one Hospital Triage and Treatment System is an intuitive, color-coordinated, mobile system of supplies that provides secondary triage and definitive treatment for a surge of 100 patients. Managers like it because it’s easy to maintain, and responders like it because it can deploy anywhere with the right supplies in the right place quickly. See the system in action (YouTube video here) and then click the picture/button to learn more, or call 608-526-6901 to speak with an experienced VeriCor staff member today.

Have a Mess of Supplies

C) Current stockpiled supplies…

…can be made into a Response-Friendly® System.

Sometimes emergency preparedness supplies are forgotten or not given attention until it is too late. Expired, unorganized, damaged, and recalled assets will hinder a response, and that’s where we can help. The Medical Cache Conversion process converts a mess of supplies into a ready-to-respond system that is organized & manageable. Ensure that when a mass causality incident (MCI) happens, your supplies are ready. Click the picture/button to learn more, or call 608-526-6901 to speak with an experienced VeriCor staff member today.

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